Welcome to our blog. We are students of International Business Management of Faculty Economic of Atmajaya. We created this blog as a form to fulfill Sir Alex Jatmiko's class, Financial Management ( Code : KEU 230 / Class : A)
Our group consist of 4 members, they are :
Elvera Meliana Fodju / 111219342
Shela Shany Morena / 111218980
Nikolaus Dimas Tunggul Baskoro / 11219339
Harun / 111219348
Assets it self means economic resources, anything in tangible or intangible that is capable of being owned or controlled to produce value and that is held to have positive economic value is considered ab asset.
WHY? WHY we choose Assets as the name of our group?
the reason we choose this word is we want to make our group as a resources for the other group, like the meaning of assets in economic. Actually our group was choose "shareholders" as the name, but this name is already used. So, we decided to choose another word quickly. Then we find another better word we think, we choose "Assets". We think that assets is the economic resources, so do we.
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